About Us

Daily Bread Hope & Restoration Center was inspired by the needs of every day people like you and I. People that have dreams and goals, ambitions and drive but for one reason or another, they have fallen on bad times. We can all look around and see that there is a great need for “Hope & Restoration” right in our own and neighboring communities.

People are hurting, without food, and shelter. Children are going without because their parents aren’t able to afford every day necessities, such as lights, gas, clean running water, and so much more. Many of us have either been in need, know someone in need or have helped someone in need.
However, the need does not start and stop with just one person, but needs are ongoing. Daily Bread HRC came to life from the growing needs of people like you and I.

Many people have fallen on hard times and have been hurt by their situations. They have been bruised and broken by their circumstances. Many have fallen and feel they can’t get up. Not only do we want to help, but we want to help “Restore Hope and Dignity”.

We are here to let people know that no situation has to define their character. We want to let them know that even in this cold world, there are still warm hearts of people that care. We want to “Love” people back to life, inspiring them, so the can turn around and do the same for someone else.

My name is Kyham Nichole Smith and I would first like to start off by saying “It is truly a Blessing to serve God and His people”. With that being said let me tell you a little about myself and how Daily Bread Hope & Restoration Center was birthed. I have a degree in Health Science and I am currently pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Management and Entrepreneurship at DeVry University.

I have worked in the health care field for over 20 years, including the most recent 12 years as a Dialysis Technician at Fresenius Kidney Care where I administered treatment to those with End Stage Renal Disease. It was during that time, that it was placed on my heart to serve in the way of giving back to those in need. At that time I was unavailable to do so. However, after much praying and fasting and God’s timing, Daily Bread Hope & Restoration Center has now become a reality of the vision.

Daily Bread HRC is built on love, compassion, respect, and hope which is a GREAT recipe to help restore the lives of those that have been broken by life’s circumstances.

It is our MISSION to serve in a way that impact lives, so those lives will impact others. It doesn’t matter to us what a person has been through, but what does matter is where they are going, and we want to help them get there. My husband Sambre and I have been serving in various areas of ministry at The Winner’s Circle Church in Mt. Clemens, MI for many years where we have raised our two daughters up to serve as well.

Daily Bread Hope & Restoration Center is just the beginning of what is hoped for. The vision that we have for people being overcomers will not stop with those we help. It will change the lives of others, because of the seed that has been sown. I live by the reality that we are all just one step away from something BIG.

There is no time like the present time to GET UP, DUST OURSELVES OFF, HOLD OUR HEADS UP HIGH and START OVER!!! With keeping this in mind, every day we have to make the decision to press toward the calling that God has on our lives. Having to erase the stigma and blemishes that hold us back.


We are more than conquerors through Him that loved us. ROMANS 8:37